Octa Launches TabletTail: Monkey Kit with Kickstarter Campaign
January 24, 2013Las Vegas – January 7, 2013 – Octa™ (https://www.octa.com), a creator of innovative tablet accessories, today announced the launch of the TabletTailTM: Monkey Kit on Kickstarter. The company will demonstrate its never-before-seen product at booth #3730 at the 2013 International CES in Las Vegas at the Las Vegas Convention Center.
The Monkey Kit is a powerful positioning system designed for hands-free tablet use. Flexible and sturdy, it adjusts to a wide variety of heights, angles, positions and situations. It wraps, curls and tucks in place for use in bed, on a couch, in the kitchen, on an exercise machine and in the car.
The Monkey Kit includes two components: the Vacuum Dock and the MonkeyTail. The Vacuum Dock, which was launched as part of the Whale Kit at the company’s 2012 debut, connects to tablets and e-readers using high-powered vacuum suction. Octa began with the technology used by construction workers to lift heavy plate glass, then developed their own patent-pending twist.
Using innovative chambers and seals, they created a Vacuum Dock that attaches to tablets with five easy pumps. Octa continued studying their technology after the launch of the Whale Kit then made a number of refinements to the Vacuum Dock. The upgraded Vacuum Dock will be launched as part of the Monkey Kit, and it features a vacuum seal that can literally stay connected to your tablet for days.
The Vacuum Dock is compatible with all generations of the iPad, as well as many other tablets and e-readers. All the components of the TabletTail line are interchangeable, so both the MonkeyTail and the WhaleTail can be used with the Vacuum Dock.
The Monkey Kit is available at http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/octaproducts/monkey-kit-flexible-tablet-positioning-system. The retail MSRP will be $99.99, but Octa is offering a Kickstarter-only early bird special of $80.00. Other Kickstarter-only backer rewards include limited edition color-shifting Vacuum Docks (in spectrum, red/gold and purple/green) and a $10,000 WiFi remote-controlled LED table.
Octa creates distinctive mobile electronics accessories that make the digital experience more enjoyable. The team includes eight artists and engineers who are passionate about technology. Octa’s co-founders, Prometheus Trotsky and Nikki Braziel, started Octa together in 2010. They maintain a creative environment by combining work and playfulness in their Denver headquarters. Contact Nikki at 720.379.5325 or at nikki@octa.com.