iPad Stand on Daily App Show

January 23, 2014

James Horton of The Daily App Show recently reviewed Octa’s Monkey Kit iPad stand. The review included a comprehensive video and a list of its features such as the adjustable swivel-base and compatibility with most popular tablets.

Horton states in his video “This, overall, is a great option for people that want to universally mount their iPads or tablets into different locations. This is going to be a great overall product  for people that like to mount and use their iPad, say, in the in the bed, on the couch, out and around, and maybe just even in the office sitting at your desk. It’s got a wide range of versatility because this little tail here can bend to different shapes.”

The Daily App Show began as a podcast for discussing apps for the iPhone and iPod Touch.  It eventually became one of the most popular technology related podcasts on iTunes, also covering apps for Android devices and iPad. Since then, the podcast has expanded into a popular  site that includes tech tips and various kinds of product reviews.

You can see the original article and review video here.


Monkey Kit iPad stand holds an iPad while a man uses it to play a game.

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